Articles, App Notes, Case Studies, & White Papers
How Capturing Data Directly Is Transforming Trials
With the right eSource technology, discover how trial data can be aggregated, integrated, and classified to accelerate data analysis for insight-based decisions in real time.
Fujirebio Increases Study Agility By Streamlining Clinical Operations And Data Management Process
Fujirebio’s fast-growing U.S. Clinical R&D team was preparing for shorter studies with higher complexity. Traditional methods using paper and spreadsheet trackers were no longer adequate to meet quality goals. Learn how the group increased its agility and readiness with LifeSphere Clinical EDC and CTMS tools.
Single-Arm Trials Use Real-World Evidence For Rare Disease Drug Development
In rare disease product development, where a placebo control group may not be an option, a single-arm trial can be a successful approach. Gain insight into the regulatory considerations for single-arm trials.
Our Unified Platform Serves As eSource For COVID Treatment Trial
Signant Biotech optimized technology for an emerging biopharmaceutical's Phase 2 COVID treatment trial in critically ill patients, minimizing paper data risks and streamlining consent and data management across multiple sites and solutions.
With The Emergence Of DCTs, Do We Really Need A CTMS?
As decentralized trial designs continue to grow in popularity, do sponsors and CROs really need a clinical trial management system? Explore whether CTMS is necessary with the emergence of DCTs.
Transforming Patient Support For A Multinational Pharmaceutical Company
As part of an expansion project, a large multinational pharmaceutical company sought a partner to simplify the payment and travel processes, improving their patients' experience.
eCOA Solution Design Recommendations: Applied Insights From Trial Sites, CRAs
Enhance hybrid trials with digitalization through remote data capture using smartphones, tablets, and computers, improving participant experience and data integrity.
Key CTMS Capabilities To Improve Financial Management
In clinical research, utilizing your clinical trial management system (CTMS) to its fullest potential can allow for more streamlined financial management, visit management, compliance, patient recruitment, and more. This blog outlines what you should look for in a CTMS to maximize your organization’s return on investment (ROI).
eConsent For Complex Clinical Trials
Master protocol design trials require an endless stream of consent forms, adding time, cost, and risk. Learn how a feature-rich eConsent platform can simplify those processes and improve engagement.
Advancements In Digital Health Applications In Clinical Trials
Reflecting on the past year, take time to review the significant strides the digital health industry has made, especially in digital measures for clinical research.