RBQM Solutions
ICH E6 (R3): Approaches To Defining, Protecting, And Monitoring
Uncover how this approach ensures timely actions and escalations when needed, fostering a streamlined and proactive approach to trial management.
Managing Risk In Clinical Trials
Uncover how Risk-Based Quality Management (RBQM) strategies ensure compliance with regulatory guidelines, reduce risks to patient safety, and eliminate inefficient and costly manual processes.
elluminate RBQM
elluminate® RBQM provides clinical teams with a single platform for all study data sources to support a more focused, data-driven monitoring effort that enables active oversight and improves the compliance of a clinical trial.
Satisfying Critical Requirements With Risk-Based Quality Management
Learn how ThoughtSphere’s comprehensive RBQM facilitates the complete risk lifecycle from risk identification through issue resolution with automated triggers and configurable user workflows.
Rave TSDV - Improve CRA Efficiency And Reduce Site Burden
Source data verification (SDV) is a critical activity within clinical trial monitoring, yet the traditional approach focused on 100% SDV is limited in its ability to quickly identify issues and prevent them from recurring. Rave TSDV (Targeted SDV), unified with Rave EDC, enables CRAs to focus on critical to quality (CtQ) factors identified within risk management activities.