Article | March 25, 2022

Why eCOA Data Reporting Often Falls Short (And What To Do About It)

Source: Datacubed Health

In a Datacubed Health survey, 69% of respondents indicated that eCOA data reporting is very important to them. Yet 38% are not satisfied with current reporting — including both the information provided and the ways in which that information is delivered. Sponsors, CROs and other trial stakeholders need insights in a format they can understand — and act on — in a timely manner. How can we close the gap between expectations and reality?

By nature, eCOA and ePRO solutions are designed so it’s easy for clinicians and patients to interact and provide information related to a clinical trial. But that front-end experience is only part of the equation. eCOA and ePRO solutions also need a thoughtful back-end experience.

Pharmaceutical companies, CROs, clinicians, study coordinators, study nurses and other stakeholders need access to insights generated through the frontend experience. Too often, however, these “insights” are little more than a massive data dump. Stakeholders may lack the time and/or ability to make sense of all that data. It’s overwhelming, difficult to navigate and unhelpful.

In short, there is too much noise and not enough signal.

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