Article | June 28, 2022

The ROI Of eRegulatory And eIRB Integration

Source: Advarra

By Marmee Lutz, Product Manager

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Compliant, efficient document management during the various phases of a clinical trial is essential. Yet, throughout a trial, as documents are added to different systems for the investigator/institution and the sponsor, a great deal of time is spent managing those documents; and, of course, as with any manual process, there’s risk of error.

That’s why direct communication and integration between key technology systems like email, electronic institutional review board (eIRB) systems, clinical trial management systems (CTMS), and other eRegulatory (eReg) platforms all contribute to a more efficient and compliant trial. With hundreds or even thousands of files part of a trial’s documentation, an integrated eReg solution can facilitate vital time savings per document and ensure improved data quality – yielding a valuable return on the investment in the integration.

This article outlines common eReg management system integrations, and highlights a new integration already allowing sites to save hundreds or thousands of dollars per protocol.

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