Article | April 25, 2022

The Electronic Data Capture (EDC) Checklist

Source: OpenClinica
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Hybrid decentralized trials can have multiple sources of data–for example, greater Electronic Patient Reported Outcomes (ePRO) or Electronic Clinical Outcome Assessments (eCOA), medical devices, Electronic Health Records (EHRs), third party labs, telemedicine services, Interactive Response Technology (IRT), etc. To keep your study running smoothly, it’s imperative that these streams of data are available and actionable in real time. As a result, your EDC system needs to be able to orchestrate this entire data collection process in a precise and reliable manner. It’s the platform in which all this data ends up, is reviewed, cleaned, and prepared for analysis. It’s important to make sure that this foundational system has the right set of capabilities to address needs across your hybrid/virtualized study’s lifecycle.

Here are key capabilities to look for in an electronic data capture (EDC) platform to support virtualization of your trials

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