Article | July 10, 2023

SMART On FHIR: Auto-Populate eCRFs On Study Day One

Source: OpenClinica

By Cal Collins

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SMART on Fast Healthcare Interoperability (FHIR) is a technology capable of facilitating interoperability in healthcare. For clinical trials, this technology can offer several benefits, including improving clinical workflow, seamlessly integrating real-world data (RWD), and reducing burnout among researchers.

Recently, at the DIA 2023 Global Annual Meeting in Boston, the author of this article presented several points about SMART on FHIR for attending life sciences professionals. In their presentation, Collins compares their enthusiasm about the technology to significant events like Charlie Bucket receiving a golden ticket to Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory, the Boston Red Sox overcoming the "Curse of the Bambino," and the Boston Celtics winning a dramatic basketball game.

Primarily, the author's session at the conference focused on integrating electronic health records (EHRs) as RWD, the benefits of SMART on FHIR in automated source data capture, and featured other experts in the field. They will discuss their involvement in the Vulcan Program, the evolving nature of structured and unstructured data, integrating RWD into the clinical workflow, and the use of SMART on FHIR in conventional trials.

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