Datasheet | November 17, 2023

Simulants: Unlock Insights And Accelerate Medical Breakthroughs With Synthetic Clinical Trial Data

Source: Medidata AI
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Every day, data from clinical trials is inputted into electronic data capture (EDC) systems, contributing to the pursuit of groundbreaking medical advancements. While this data encompasses covariates, endpoints, and health information aligned with the clinical trial protocol, and yields valuable insights into the safety and efficacy of new therapeutics, it remains largely inaccessible, confined within individual organizations and systems.

Leveraging historical clinical trial data holds the potential to unlock and expedite research and development by offering insights into both successful and unsuccessful approaches. However, access to clinical trial data is constrained by regulatory requirements, technical protection protocols, the high proprietary value of clinical trial data, and stringent privacy mandates imposed by sponsors, rooted in concerns regarding patient consent and the preservation of patient trust. Despite commitments, policies, and protocols for clinical data sharing, the sharing of de-identified patient-level clinical trial data remains exceptionally rare.

The advent of generative AI introduces a transformative avenue—synthetic data. This type of data, artificially or algorithmically generated, mimics the properties and patterns of the original data source while safeguarding private details. Download the fact sheet below to get an overview of Simulants, a groundbreaking synthetic data product – uniquely derived from Medidata’s exclusive repository of global, standardized historical clinical trial data, containing data over 30,000 cross-sponsor trials and nine million patients.

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