
PEAK Matrix® For Decentralized Clinical Trial Platforms Provider 2023

Source: Medable
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Decentralized Clinical Trials (DCTs) include collecting data through sensors or remote monitoring devices carried by a patient without the need to visit a site. These trials can deliver many benefits to pharmaceutical companies including cost savings, better patient recruitment and retention, flexibility in operation, and improved data quality. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, although the technology and literature to support DCTs existed, there were only a few pilots being conducted as enterprises grappled with regulatory uncertainties, upfront capital investment in sensors and products, and limited functionalities to decentralize clinical trials. The increasing need for remote patient- and site-centric trials increased the investments in DCTs. Desired patient experience, smooth onboarding of the diverse patient population, seamless technological execution during trials, and hassle-free logistics at the site have been the focus for enterprises. The momentum is expected to accelerate as we move beyond 2022, indicating that DCTs are here for the long term. Technological advancements (cloud, AI/ML, NLP, etc.), innovative business models, increased wearables support, FDA’s push to the industry to adopt DCT, and a holistic approach to clinical trials have proliferated the landscape.

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