Article | December 8, 2023

5 Important Questions To Ask Your Wearable Technology Partner

Source: ActiGraph
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Wearable, sensor-based digital health technologies (DHTs) offer a valuable avenue for clinical researchers to gain insights into the physical activity, movement behavior, and sleep patterns of study participants – all from the convenience of their homes. As your team decides to integrate DHTs into your research, selecting the right technology partner becomes crucial for the successful and meaningful collection of patient-centered digital measures.

Embracing remote DHT assessments within a clinical trial introduces various operational challenges. To equip you for overcoming these hurdles, we've compiled a concise yet comprehensive list of often overlooked questions. These queries serve as a guide to facilitate discussions with potential wearable technology partners before commencing your study.

Understanding the technical capabilities, data security measures and compatibility with diverse devices are key considerations. Additionally, exploring the partner's experience in managing large-scale data, addressing potential privacy concerns, and ensuring seamless integration into your study's workflow are vital components. By addressing these aspects proactively, you can establish a solid foundation for a successful collaboration that maximizes the potential of wearable DHTs in your clinical research endeavors.

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