Brochure | August 24, 2023

Cut Study Start-Up Times By Up To 50% With eCOA

Source: Medidata, a Dassault Systemes company
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Sponsors, CROs, and sites are revolutionizing the way they collect electronic data from patients, physicians, and caregivers. Built using Designer, Medidata’s eCOA capabilities enable sponsors and CRO partners to create rich patient experiences via intuitive drag-and-drop screen templates and visual workflow tools. The company has also developed myMedidata, available through a native mobile app or any web-enabled device, where patients can more easily access their study tasks.

These services are all part of the unified Medidata platform. Learn more about how eCOA can improve the study start-up experience with flexible deployment options, a groundbreaking global instrument library, and dedicated services and support.

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