Brochure | May 11, 2022

Clin'form App: The Kayentis BYOD Solution

Source: Kayentis
GettyImages-622180676 BYOD device ps

A complementary data collection mode to further improve patients’ comfort while decreasing site burden:

  • Single study set-up for all data entry modes of the trial
  • One-click activation by the site staff
  • Easy device enrollment by the trial participant (via QR code)
  • Hybrid BYOD/provisioned smartphone approach to increase flexibility with a similar display
  • Robust back-up solutions: provisioned smartphones and WebCOA to secure data collection in case of issue with personal device
  • Trial participant can replace their personal phones anytime during the study
  • Security and confidentiality of trial participants’ data
  • Attractive and user-friendly design
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