Brochure | October 30, 2023

An eArchive That Is Always Inspection Ready

Source: TransPerfect
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Meeting regulatory requirements for storing documentation for 25+ years, our clinical trial data retention solution offers a comprehensive set of features. Your documents are meticulously maintained by TransPerfect Service Personnel and your dedicated Archivist, ensuring their security and accessibility.

Our system can store documents from Trial Interactive eTMF or third-party eTMFs, making it adaptable to your specific needs. With automated document retention management, you can rest assured that your data is retained per the necessary standards. These documents are preserved in dependable formats such as PDF/A and Flat Files, ensuring their long-term accessibility.

Trial Interactive not only oversees your live eTMF but also furnishes a top-tier eArchive solution for the entire duration of data retention. Get more details about eArchive by downloading the brochure below.

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