Article | January 18, 2024

ActiTrack Adherence Monitoring: Maximize The Value Of Wearable Data

Source: ActiGraph

By Sylvain Zorman, Ph.D.

Doctor Calling On Phone

In the ever-evolving landscape of clinical trials, wearable digital health technologies play a pivotal role in enabling continuous, real-life monitoring of participant behavior. This data offers objective insights into crucial health aspects, facilitating a deeper understanding of treatment efficacy and therapeutic advancements. Ensuring the value of wearable data in clinical trials requires a focus on maximizing patient adherence, achieved through best practices like selecting fit-for-purpose devices, avoiding optional endpoints, optimizing wear time, and vigilant adherence monitoring.

Despite optimal device specifications and protocol design, instances of low adherence may still occur. Recognizing the significance of near real-time adherence monitoring, ActiGraph has introduced ActiTrack. This latest solution addresses the need for better adherence monitoring capabilities, empowering clinical researchers to swiftly identify and correct non-adherence issues. Timely intervention is crucial, as discovering missing data too late can lead to cascading issues, impacting data quality and hindering biostatisticians in computing the desired clinical endpoint. Discover why ActiTrack stands as an innovative tool to enhance adherence monitoring by accessing the full article below.

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