Brochure | August 8, 2023

A Modern EDC And DDC Solution For Today's Clinical Trials

Doctor Clinical Trial

For more than 20 years, Signant Health's electronic data capture (EDC) and direct data capture (DDC) platform has stood the test of time in over 3,000 clinical trials. This robust platform addresses the complexities of modern clinical trials through four essential avenues:

  • User-Friendly Experience: Intuitive interfaces, guided automation, and workflows that resonate with sponsors, sites, CRAs, and self-service users. The self-service feature includes no-coding study design and an extensive eCRF library for added convenience.
  • Enhanced Efficiency: Swift startup, hassle-free protocol amendments sans disruptions or downtime, and the added advantage of remote monitoring capabilities.
  • Unmatched Flexibility and Configurability: Functionality that mirrors industry-leading solutions, catering to studies ranging from the straightforward to the highly intricate. Even mid-study protocol amendments can be seamlessly executed without causing downtime.
  • Acclaimed Customer Service: Attentive and responsive project management, professional services, and a proactive helpdesk support system.

Delve into these exceptional offerings by downloading our comprehensive brochure. Feel free to connect with our team to discuss your EDC inquiries, aspirations, or obstacles.

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